Wacky Food Week 18: Tentacle Grape

It's hard to believe that it's almost been 20 weeks since the first Wacky Food Week post was written up here on SUTORAIKUanime. Week after week we give you the most interesting and unique snacks, drinks and what not, sharing a little piece of Japan with everyone. This week, we present you with...

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6 Responses to Wacky Food Week 18: Tentacle Grape

  1. I forgot about that Sae episode. It was a good one :D

  2. I miss Amagami SS, it was quite good.

  3. Just to clarify: Tentacle Grape is not a Japanese drink. In fact it was created in America and sold in America. That is not to say that they drink can't and isn't sold in Japan.


  4. We have a victim of tentacle grape.

  5. ah nice one, you had me click into this post due to the misleading title XD

  6. Loll clever pun. ^ ^

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