Black Rock Shooter Battle Trailer Disappoints

With the release of this 60 second battle trailer from the to-be released Black Rock Shooter game for the PSP, fans are rather disappointed, having their expectations shattered from when the OP trailer with outstanding battle scenes was shown. The game will be released in Japan on August 25th. Fans who were waiting for the fated release of this game are definitely in for a let down.

Good day.

2 Responses to Black Rock Shooter Battle Trailer Disappoints

  1. why? i thought it was quite interesting. dont expect the graphic quality from the OP... come on it is just a psp!! dont expect so much..

  2. Yes, but the PSP is capable of better grahpics than that, as seen in the Final Fantasy Dissidia and Crisis Core, and Gran Turismo Portable to name another one.

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