"Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka?" - Episode 12 FINAL

Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka? has finally come to a close. I very much enjoyed covering this series and I hope that you guys enjoyed reading my posts even though I'm sure they weren't that great. I'm sorry that this post is a bit late. I recently got a new job and it's been eating away at my free time. Times like this I wish I could go back to being a NEET so I can watch all of my animes. But anyways, I'll shut up now because I'm sure you're here for the final review/fanservice, kyun.

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4 Responses to "Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka?" - Episode 12 FINAL

  1. Well done, Suri. Looking forward to the DVD/Blu-ray episode. Although, I have to say the music was a Pro to me since I did remember the opening and ending theme names. The OST should be out as well :D

  2. Oh nah I liked the OP and ED themes. But thats all I could really remember when it came to the music.

  3. I need to finish this series, desperately! By the way, who's that brunette cutie in the 5th pic? DO WANT!

  4. the brunette with the two piece is named Taeko. She is the normal girl who is in love with Ayumu.

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