Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai Episode 1: What the hell did I just watch?

Ahoy there, it's been quite some time since I've posted an anime review, and my excuse is schoolwork and personal business (it's always schoolwork and personal business isn't it?). Anywho, after pondering the notion of following a couple series or even just one show this season, I ultimately decided against it. But alas, I had a couple hours of free time yesterday, so I decided I'd watch a couple past episodes of winter season shows I have yet to watch. Upon downloading the shows, I noticed a show with a tl;dr name. Now usually, shows with tl;dr names are either absolutely orgasmically fantastic, or absolutely orgasmically horrible.


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One Response to Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai Episode 1: What the hell did I just watch?

  1. another anime purely made of fan service?

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