Sakura-Con 2011 - We're Back!

Ahoy there! After finally being able to feel my legs again after standing almost 12 hours on the first day of the con and about 5 hours on the second day, and getting enough sleep, I got my act together and started uploading the 580 or so photos I took at Sakura-Con 2011. It was a great experience for me, since this is my first year attending. I must say though, I made some very worthy investments, as all the merchandise I bought at the exhibition hall has been autographed! I was a little bummed however that there was not press priority at the majority of the events though, and the general organization of most of the autograph signing sessions was dismal, oh wells!

There are way too many photos to fit into this one single post, so there will be a series of Sakura-Con posts highlighting different aspects of the con, from cosplayers to concerts.

This post is just a brief outline of what to expect from the other posts that will be posted later on the in week once I'm finished organizing and uploading all the photos, so if anyone of you are wondering why there are so little photos present in this post, that is the reason.

Enough blabbering, on with the event!

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3 Responses to Sakura-Con 2011 - We're Back!

  1. Oh wow, that dealer room has SO much more stuff than IKKiCON did...OK I'm jealous.

  2. Hugging pillows!

  3. So exist†trace was at the event. Dealer room must of been full of exquisite goods, eh? Looking forward to seeing the rest ^^

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