Sakura-Con 2011 - Cosplayers

Probably the most enjoyable and invigorating part about covering any anime convention is getting a chance to look at all the fantastic cosplayers, whether they're in a group or by themselves, it's always an absolute treat to admire their awesome costumes, some which are self-fabricated by the cosplayer themselves. This year, there were some remarkable cosplays, and a few that truly stood out as being flawlessly amazing.


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5 Responses to Sakura-Con 2011 - Cosplayers

  1. All the costumes look awesome!
    awwwwe! the last pic is so cute <3

  2. AHHH I wish I could have been there. Did you and all your writers go, Akinari? What was your favourite cosplayer?

  3. Unfortunately not all of our writers were able to attend the con due to the fact that most of us live all across North America or halfway across the world. To be honest I don't have a favourite cosplayer, but all of the cosplays were very nicely done!

  4. Really like the assassin's creed outfit. Oh! And Yomi's sword too. It looked so real.

  5. I like all the giant swords and giant weapons a lot of them have.

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