In Memoriam: DuoMatrix

I have some troubling news for anyone who was waiting for the return of the one known as DuoMatrix... it won't happen. Not because he doesn't want to, on the contrary, he wanted to. There wasn't a day that would go by where he would not plan his great return to SUTORAIKUanime. But alas for all his plans and all his ability he could not escape his fate.

What fate might that be? On the First of April at 0:30 hours he was mauled to death by rabid fangirls of his yaoi fanfiction. It is unknown what these fangirls wanted but suffice to say it was not anything pure. He was joined only hours later by the loss of Akinari-kun to these same fangirls of no respute. Miraculously Akinari-kun was able to pull through from the grips of death itself, but DuoMatrix was not as lucky. He now lays in a morgue with that same creepy smile he had when I first met him. His body is still and stiff, the life having leaked from the wounds made by the yaoi's. So sad.

Will you please join me, DuetMatrix, Duo's wife, in remembering our fallen overlord and master this day. I am posting this on his behalf on his account so that the interwebs will have one last tl;dr post under the name DuoMatrix. Thank you and have a good day.

Almost forgot, April Fool's

4 Responses to In Memoriam: DuoMatrix

  1. wtf o_O okaeri?

  2. So, um DuetMatrix you seeing anyone, lol.

    On another note: What Suri said. I'm lost.

  3. Oh Ha. Ha. April Fools <_<

  4. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaahhhhhhaaaaa

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