[Update] My SUTORAIKUanime Schudele

As head administrator, akinari-kun already stated before, most coverage of anime we are doing will suspended due the crisis in Japan. Receiving word from Countdown.md:

"All episodes airing from Saturday(March 12th) onwards may be preempted by special broadcast of the earthquake in Japan. Airing of majority of the series from Tuesday slot will be suspended as well."

That means series like Kore Wa Zombie covered by our own Suri will be delayed as well as others such as Dragon Crisis and late cases like Gosick and Dream Eater Merry to name a few. Even though as collective whole we lack a formal schudele, here what you can expect for me in the coming weeks and in the future until the crisis is resolved.
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One Response to [Update] My SUTORAIKUanime Schudele

  1. I have Part III of my collection coming very soon.

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