School Days HQ coming to NA... UNCENSORED!

Perhaps the most famous and infamous Eroge of the last decade is finally being released in English. All the ero scenes will be uncensored for you viewing pleasure. Now this is somewhat of a Cinderella story. The game will be released by Jast Densetsu, while all translations will be done by Sekai Project, a fan translation group no less, with technical help from 0verflow, the original makers. How did this partnership come to be?
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2 Responses to School Days HQ coming to NA... UNCENSORED!

  1. Really? That is some great news. However, sad to say, not many companies will do this due to their homogeneous nature in general and how the games are viewed (not mention some vn title have gotten some western news attention and none was good).

    But, that is good the team was allowed to continue. Jast already got a hold of My Girlfriend is The President from the team working on it and will be releasing it soon. Hope there is more to come...

  2. I wish it would come out on mac :(

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