Wacky Food Week 4: Suntory Sparkling Chocolate Soda

And we're back with another wacky snack from Japan! It's hard to believe that today's the last day of February already, time really goes by quite fast, no?

Anywho, time to get down to business. Now, we've all had our fair share of pop soda throughout the course of our lives right? Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Root Beer, 7Up, Sprite, etc. But what about chocolate soda? Is this even drinkable?

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5 Responses to Wacky Food Week 4: Suntory Sparkling Chocolate Soda

  1. YAY i wonder how it tastes like

  2. Too bad JList wont send us a 6 pack since I am advertising it for them on Twitter. :\

  3. I would love to try this but the only two websites to offer it, Jlist and NapaJapan require between $8-10 just for shipping of one bottle. I'm not rich enough to drink an almost $15 bottle of soda.
    In fact, I have been a jlist customer for years but the economy has driven the shipping crazy lately. I just can no longer pay $4 shipping for a 99cent pack of gum. Ordering in quantity doesn't help either, the shipping raises exponentially the more you buy. I know it's not their fault and it's a government thing, but it still sucks! How many rare KitKats this year have I missed out on because of this? Arggh!

  4. @Jason: You in Savannah? If I remember correctly from my time down there, there is specialty store that sells Japanese and Eastern foods and I think this maybe one of the beverages. I can't remember what the name is the place but I often passed by when I was travel back and forward from school and to home whenever my college let out.

    (I live 3hrs away from Savannah and used to go to school down there, but attend college now in my home town of Augusta)

  5. Hmm.... I'm having a hard time imagining this.

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