Konichiwa, mina-san! Due to the tragic events that have caused mass destruction throughout Japan, we will be postponing all our coverage of this season's anime shows until further notice. Several shows have also been postponed/cancelled, and due to the general confusion, we are not aware which shows are still going, and if they are all cancelled, when they are coming back.

So for the time being, we will not be writing any reviews of current shows until further notice. However we will continue writing, just not any reviews of current series.

Please support the recovery and help Japan by donating to us via the PayPal button in our sidebar. By doing so, we will receive the funds and have a clear idea of how much money we are donating to charities, and by following this link: 


SUTORAIKUanime will match the amount contributed by our readers!

We must all pitch in to help the land of the rising sun. The generous support of our readers and the general otaku population will definitely have a positive impact on the recovery efforts!

That's all for now, happy supporting, mina!

5 Responses to [NOTICE] DONATE

  1. There has been a massive cancellation of many events pertaining to Anime and etc in Japan as well. Not mention they are having trouble with a nuclear reactor.

  2. Oh would donate but I already donated on the Crunchyroll site.

  3. I donated as well the other day, but I plan to again once I finish up with a client or two.

  4. i will donate too, but not through here coz being a poor student i dont have paypal account... i will donate to my nearest charity association. sorry ><

  5. It's alright bro. Long as we give a little towards the people of Japan then its all good.

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