Here at SUTORAIKUanime, we're also big-time techies, and myself, I've been the user of an Apple iPad since day one, and I absolutely love it. Let's me stay updated all the time, wherever I am.

ALL PHOTOS VIA ENGADGET'S LIVE BLOGGING COVERAGE OF IPAD 2 RELEASE. All photos are credited to Engadget, and we do not possess or own any of the following photos. 

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4 Responses to iPad 2 Released! LIVE BLOG VIA ENGADGET

  1. Ironic, since I just passed by a Apple Store today on my way home. Sadly, I think this is just another luxury item no one can barely afford and probably some simpletons on launch will buy anyway because they expect it will be good.

    Don't get me wrong, it is interesting product unveiling; but I don't its anything worth the cash and like all products have some flaws which will prompt a another version....

  2. Hmmm...I beg to differ, partly because I have owned an iPad since release day, and it's really never let me down even once, handiest thing ever.

    However, it was a gift, and I would never have spent $500 on an iPad.

    However there are some truly wonderful apps out there, such as Air Display (use iPad as a secondary monitor for desktop or laptop via WiFi), Splashtop Remote (remote desktop so I don't have to walk to my computer to use it), a couple games here and there, and of course the easy email checking and what not.

    I'm really interested in the iPad 2, perhaps I'll get meself one of these, considering Apple just announced that the pricing for the 16GB model starts at $399.99 USD, $100 less than originally stated.

  3. I had this the same discussion in another thread, however, despite it, my opinion remain unchanged. I do see use for it, however with things like laptops that seem just as function-able if not more, I can't justify for myself anyway paying that much (unless I get it as a gift).

    The apps and app store for Apple do intruge me, yet again, that stuff will be wasted on someone like myself...

  4. My bad, it's the current iPad 1G that has gone down in price of $100

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