Divine Retribution For Japan Ishihara Proclaims And Later Reverts

With Japan still reeling from the damage of the 8.9 earthquake and tsunami disaster and still impending threats, everyone is still in state of alert and solemn contemplation. That is everyone, well, minus Shintarou Ishihara, Tokyo's Governor who had a few things to say about the disaster and to the Japanese people.

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5 Responses to Divine Retribution For Japan Ishihara Proclaims And Later Reverts

  1. Yeah what an asshole. His time in office is limited now.

  2. is this the same guy that wants to ban anime show?

  3. @Anon: That is the very same guy. However, to be fair and precise, trying to ban harmful material in anime, manga, ect. I don't agree with what he is doing personally, and think there is a better way to do it.

  4. i say kick him out! the guy is pretty much to old to know what's "in" anymore + he has some attitude problem as if hasn't done anything bad in his life

  5. the world is unfair. why? because some innocent people lose their lives during the disaster but asshole like him just wont die.

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