Strike Witches 1/8 Charlotte E. Yeager by Alter

More Pantsu Witches figurines! Yatta! This time, Charolotte Yeager takes the stage.

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9 Responses to Strike Witches 1/8 Charlotte E. Yeager by Alter

  1. Although I really think this figurine looks awesome, the only Strike Witch I want is Sanya.

  2. I agree with Suri...or I would, but I have Hartmann already

  3. oh nice. I dont believe I have seen the Hartmann fig before.

  4. I have a picture of it somewhere on my blog (
    whoop blatant blog promotion

  5. could not find it but i like your blog. would you join this blog as a guest writer?

  6. perhaps, i'll consider it

    it's under my ikkicon posts (day 1)

  7. I second the idea, be great to have you write with us ^^

  8. Ok, I can probably do it, I just won't write too much until probably summertime

  9. Ah okay I see it now.

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