Wacky Food Week 19: Neri Ame

I'm sure we've all heard of Dagashi, the typical Japanese sweets found at candy stores, enjoyed by kids all over the country. Dagashi comes in all shapes and forms, including simple chocolates pieces, candies that contain toys, and DIY treats. The dagashi we're featuring this week happens to be a rather interesting type that was featured in an episode of K-On! Can you guess what it is?

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3 Responses to Wacky Food Week 19: Neri Ame

  1. I'd like to try it. For science, of course.

  2. Wow, Japan and their crazy confectionery treats. I would also be willing to try this, just hope it does not spoil or becoming unsable before it arrives at my doorstep.

  3. What I worry about is if it'll get clogged in your throat LOL

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