Mio Sakamoto by Alter

Even though the flying loli pantsu witches (as soon as I finished typing that phrase, an aerobatics team came soaring across the sky outside my apartment, which faces the sea, absolutely out of this world). anime has been over for quite some time, the figurines are still rolling out! This time around, it's veteran witch Mio Sakamoto!

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7 Responses to Mio Sakamoto by Alter

  1. I've been wanting the Sanya fig but its so expensive.

  2. Something tells me I should own at least one Strike Witches figurine, given that this site's name was created while I was watching flying loli pantsu witches. Not sure if a Francesca Lucchini Nendo counts!

  3. Nends do count!
    Get the Hartmann nend when it comes out.

  4. Since when was my waifu being made into a Nendy!? MUST GET!!! My poor wallet, Ai, Haruka, Erio, Erika, Snow Miku + Playtime Edition...NENDO RAGE

  5. Almost forgot the Miku Append Nendo too.

  6. Time to get a job.

  7. The Hartmann nend will come with her German hat. A Gertrud one will come in about the same time.

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