SUTORAIKUanime official logo + site mascot plans

SUTORAIKUanime now has our own official logo! Created by Nico Cardenas of figurine blog Otakumouse, we are more than grateful for his hospitality and assistance. Thank you very much Nico! Please do not reproduce or use these logos for any purpose without permission, as I'm sure Nico spent quite a bit of time planning these out, and I wouldn't want to see his hard work being used the wrong way. 

We'll be using this logo on a variety of different things from now on, who knows, maybe we'll have SUTORAIKUanime T-shirts ready for sale when our site mascot is finished...

Speaking of site mascots, we're currently in the process of coming up with ideas for our site mascot, since next month will be our one year anniversary, we want to do something big. If you have any ideas, give us a shout and comment below!


Good day.

6 Responses to SUTORAIKUanime official logo + site mascot plans

  1. Great logo and congrats for reaching one year!

  2. Hahaha!Thanks for the mention guys! :D Kinda busy these past few days that's why I kinda replied late :P

    Ill be doing some sketches for the site mascot and will send it out once its available :D

  3. Can't thank you enough. Make sure to show me the sketches before you upload it! We must collaborate lol

  4. i cant see the logo though... damn the stupid frog

  5. i wanna help making a site mascot for you, can i? :))

  6. Hi otakku neko, if there are any sample pieces of art from the past you can show us via email, we'll look into it ^_^

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