Softenni Review

I didn't intend on watching Softenni, as sports-oriented shows don't usually appeal to me all that much, and after reading a few comments here and there about how Softenni is basically a female version of The Prince of Tennis, I made sure to stay far away from it. Alas, I was rather bored one night, with no new episodes to watch, and I did one of those "oh, what the heck" things and decided to begin my journey through one of the most entertaining comedies of the season.

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4 Responses to Softenni Review

  1. i was sad there wasn't any tournament action.

  2. as am I, but perhaps there will be in the OVA coming up?

  3. Oh my! I did not expect there to be fanservice in this. Seems like a funny enough, cute anime though. I think I might pick this up.

  4. Hotlinking is definitely not good my dear friends. :P

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