Indefinite Project Suspension & Self-Demotion

An announcement I wish I didn't have to make.
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6 Responses to Indefinite Project Suspension & Self-Demotion

  1. Best of luck to you, bro.

  2. Take a break Dan, you deserve one. I'd appreciate it if you could continue your Touhou posts, since there's no one that could take over and it's rather popular ^_^ But if you must take a leave, by all means please do so, as we'll continue chugging along.

  3. Thanks and it will only be temporary for the reviews and such, however I'm not sure for Touhou. Like I said, if I feel better I will continue. Just right now, I need to resolve my problems and anxiety.

  4. Please take care and thank you for your work !
    Hope I will read you again soon :3

  5. good luck, ganbare... i understand this is a tough choice to make. will miss the touhou month that doesn't last long >< but definitely wish for ur well being as priority

  6. NOOOOOO!!!!!!

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