Happy Birthday ArashiX!

And yes, we have another birthday to celebrate at SUTORAIKUanime! As always, it's expected of me to write something great and fantastic here, a few words of wisdom, but no, I have nothing at the moment (partly because it's almost 1:00AM already), and I don't think I'll ever have any words of wisdom that are wise enough to be considered words of wisdom.

But as always, birthdays at SUTORAIKUanime aren't taken lightly, and we're going to celebrate our hearts out for the birthday of our one of our co-admins! Without ArashiX, SUTORAIKUanime's second member, we would not be where we are standing, and I'm very grateful for his assistance and diligence, making this place a joy to be a part of.

Without further adieu, since May is Touhou month, feast your eyes:

Have a good one ArashiX!

EDITED: Thanks, A-kun. Fixed the image since it was broken. This one is better, don't you agree?

5 Responses to Happy Birthday ArashiX!

  1. Yay happy anniversary!! ^_^

  2. Happy birthday ^w^
    That's a bit late but still, as Japanese legend says : "just enough to deceive demons"

  3. Thanks for the wishes ^^

    @KXan: Never too late. Interesting saying. Never heard of that one, but I'll remember it.

  4. happy belated birthday

  5. Happy Birthday!

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