Hard Rage: I'm Done!


Well, with everything going on, I'm officially done with doing episodic blogging. I just don't have the time anymore for it. I will still be doing reviews, that is for sure, but as far as episode by episode accounts, I can't. I'm lacking energy, motivation, and more importantly purpose. Sorry, if you were looking forward to the series I had in mind, but I'm tried of it. On the bright side, I have other things planned and hope you will be looking forward to them at least...

~That is all~

3 Responses to Hard Rage: I'm Done!

  1. It's okay, I feel exactly the same! kinda tired of episodic blogging now >_< I never noticed how theres so many other episodic blogs are out there o_o yeah, can't wait to see the other stuff planned! ^.^

  2. There just aren't any animes this season that I am willing to do episodic reviews on right now. I will continue with figurine updates though.

  3. @Ruby: Thanks. I'm trying a little something different so this place won't be just another episodic blog, lol

    @Suri: There are some I'm interested in, but the teduim is just too much. And I will be looking forward to that ^^

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