Giveaway Event: ROUND 2

After the great success of our Amagami SS ED Single Giveaway Event, we're planning another giveaway event. Read on to find out more.

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8 Responses to Giveaway Event: ROUND 2

  1. Nendoroid FTW

  2. nendoroids are really cool i vote for them too :)

  3. i luv my nends!

  4. Voted for nendroid. They're much more cuter xD

  5. I vote for nendoroid! It's the cuter version of a figurine =)

  6. I called for nendoroid. They are just irresistible...

  7. +1. nendroid are too cute to resist

  8. Ooh awesome! Another giveaway. I'll enter this time.

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