[1st Impression] Dog Days


Well, this the first series I had a chance to look at for Spring 2011. How did I like it? Find out if you dare.

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5 Responses to [1st Impression] Dog Days

  1. I'm not sure if I will watch this now. Maybe during the summer when school's out though. Too much other stuff to watch >.<

  2. Mmm...multiple cuties spotted. I'll have to finish off all the fall and winter season shows first though!

  3. I'm going to watch for awhile, but may halt it since they are other great series out. Besides, I forgot to mention the download for this file was around 800mb...so yeah, lol.

  4. A new hero born from a giant peach! Its like Momotaro story, a Japanese fairy tale. Shinku Izumi(heroic name), obsess with gymnastic or whatever it is, accept his fate and wanted to become hero in order to train himself, somehow looks rather unique for me. I'm gonna stick to it till the end.

  5. Eh I'll give it another episode or else im gonna drop it.

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