Suri's Figurine Collection - Part 2

I have been swamped with reviews and work that I haven't had a chance to post up the second part of my collection. But, I finally had a chance tonight since is a weekend and I seem to be a bit bored. About a week after I posted part one, this white box with a figurine I ordered made its way down here from America's hat, Canada. What figurine lies in this box full of Canadian paper? I'll give you a hint: tsun-dere.


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5 Responses to Suri's Figurine Collection - Part 2

  1. WOOO Canadian paper! Great collection.

  2. maybe I should post up my collection

  3. Yes please do, Freddy.

  4. I see ancient speakers on either side of that shelf. Kill it with fire!

    I should also post mine up, even though it's REALLY not much.

  5. I dont use those. I use the ones on my monitor.

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