Freddy's Figure Collection

So, Suri's gone and posted his figure collection, so here I am posting mine. By the way, this ain't going on my blog...just cuz I felt the desire to have a SUTORAIKUanime exclusive post. Also, if something looks a little probably is. My room has the ability to produce HUGE amounts of dust, so even if I clean my figures, they'll be dusty in about a week or two again. And, I'm lazy. So here goes!

Yes, that is a Code Geass limited edition collector's box I got from Best Buy for a grand total of $9.99 not including tax. I've seen it elsewhere for up to $70 or so.

Be warned. It's kinda long.

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One Response to Freddy's Figure Collection

  1. Nice collection of figs. I like the Yuki ones especially the swimsuit one.

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