8.9 Magnitude Earthquake hits Japan

As many of you may have heard or witnessed, a powerful earthquake struck Japan at 2:46pm local time on Friday. The most powerful earthquake to hit Japan in at least 100 years unleashed walls of water Friday that swept across rice fields, engulfing towns, dragging houses onto highways and tossing cars and boats like toys, apparently killing hundreds and forcing the evacuations of tens of thousands.

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2 Responses to 8.9 Magnitude Earthquake hits Japan

  1. I heard about this early in the morning on NPR, but didn't get to listen to the full thing. Hope things are settling down. The damage looked pretty awuful, but can't imagine being there is any more of a relief.

    Also most shows are canceled (including Index II) due the Earthquake.

  2. It was strange. I was spending time on Twitter and I updated it and saw J-List tweeting about this, probably a few minutes after it occured.

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