
These days, opinions account for a large part of our daily lives. Unless you live in a sealed room or something, there are usually many sources that opinions can come from. Newspapers, magazines, books, fashion, conversation...people's opinions can be heard almost everywhere in a one's daily life. Perhaps you've heard girls discussing what they think of Twilight. Opinions. Perhaps you've heard people talking about their favorite American football team. Opinions. Perhaps you've read the movie reviews in the newspaper. Opinions.
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12 Responses to Opinions

  1. ITT: wall of text

  2. yeah, I know, I wrote a lot

  3. I was not too keen on Madoka at first until a friend told me to watch it. Now I can't wait for each episode to come out.

  4. Nice article. It does take a special kind of execution and perception to tear down a wall. Perfect example is Madoka, since I thought I would hate it, but like Suri, I can't for the next episode.

    @Suri: Same. I can't believe it is good as it is. Trying to save ep 4 and 5 for next weekend >_< can't resist the urge.

  5. @ArashiX lol yeah good luck with that!

  6. @Suri: Mitsudomoe is taking the edge off, but I can't stop starting at the files in download folder, lol.

  7. Lol yeah Mitsu is hilarious.

  8. @Arashi: Now I kinda really wanna see what you were going to write

  9. Heh, I shall have it up by this coming in weekend, if I don't get sidetracked. I might review the series; however I need to do the first.

  10. Wish I had time to write reviews!!!

  11. Once I finish Index II, I'm going to switch my status to writing reviews and leave the seasonal stuff to the rest of you.

  12. people tends to hold double standard when it comes to taste... it is insensible but yet this is what most people will do... so we can only keep our hearts open. i believe times will prove everything

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