Anime Fans! Readers! Lend Me Your Ears.

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Please take the time to read this quick little post. We need some feedback for things to come.

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8 Responses to Anime Fans! Readers! Lend Me Your Ears.

  1. :)
    My next post might be about opinions

  2. @Freddy: Go for it. Might help with what I was planning next :D

  3. @Arashi: Heh, we'll see. Anyways, I hope it does help

  4. @Freddy: It will. Btw if you have msn/email you can leave contact by the "Contact Us" button. It will make it easier to stay in touch.

  5. I haven't been following this site for that long so the amount of feedback I can give is limited but:
    Maybe include some video blogging whenever you go travelling or going to various anime conventions even if you include some random information about yourselves whilst you do. Getting more than just pictures of the places you go would be more interesting.
    Another thing is that I think the single episode reviews should be slightly more opinionated rather than just screen shots telling the entire story of the episode (noticed mainly in "Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka?" episode reviews) although that might just be me who thinks that.
    Otherwise, good job :)

  6. Congrats on one year!

    I don't really have any concrete feedback that would be useful. Just keep writing and blogging. ^ ^

  7. @Cyberchicken: Think we can go ahead and put some of those suggestions to work. Guess the same goes for my Index II stuff, but should be better in any case to try to take it into account. Thank you for the feed back.

    @Yi: Thank you. Heh, best advice I heard so far, lol. We will ^^

  8. congratulation !! being a reader that only watch series that has long ended, i dont have much to comment on. keep up the good works ^^

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