Happy Birthday DuoMatrix

I'm supposed to write something great and fantastic here, a few words of wisdom, but no, I have nothing at the moment. However, birthdays are always a wonderful thing to celebrate, the most meaningful event, for me at least. So, without any words, I'll use a picture to take the place of those nonexistent words of wisdom.

Well, I do have one word to say Duo, that word is "OLD". How old are you again? 108?

That's all for now, happy birthday DuoMatrix!

3 Responses to Happy Birthday DuoMatrix

  1. How rude! Didn't you ever learn to respect your elders?! Damn kids these days. *end sarcasm*

    Thank you for the B-Day wishes.

  2. We had a party in your honor. Just thought you should know.


  3. happy birthday !!

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