My Anime History: Paradise Lost, Reality Found

In response to a project by Nopy, I decided to go back to my former years to recount my history with anime and how it all started. Well, more of a recollection of series that had a profound effect on me than anything else.

Even as I compose this post, I have viewed 85+ titles (and still growing rapidly) which range from everything including OVA, OAD, movies, full length series, and everything else in between. Through it all, whether subbed or dubbed, long or short, their have been series that stood out above all others I viewed and ultimately shaped and influence my overall perspective of the world around me and what I thought of myself. Not that anime had any major profound effect on my life, however I can not entirely dismiss that it surely did not either...
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4 Responses to My Anime History: Paradise Lost, Reality Found

  1. That was beautiful :')

  2. Psh. I've watched over 200 anime series/movies/OVAs.

    In any case, what Suri said

  3. Thank you both. And yes, my list is rather small, but it is for series I want to primarily see and have completed. I rarely force myself to complete anything and also...not enough time.

    Why don't you two give it a try...that is if you want to ^^

  4. that was an awesome collection of anime watched and great realization of you new found paradise :)

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